The Return on Vinyl


vinylMusic has come on many forms of media. We’ve seen it on the Compact Disc (CD), vinyl, Cassette tape, Digital Audio File (Mp3) and 8 Track. Much of this media has come and gone as we always look for media that can bring us highest quality of sound and of course convenience. Now that we have moved towards digital downloading it has pushed out the CD. Which at one point was seen as bringing us the highest audio quality. But during this transition from the ashes the vinyl record market starting to pick up-stream.

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Battle of the 80s cartoon Villians




80s_cartoon_villains_united_by_ChadtheHCartoons from the 1980’s will always be remembered as being totally amazing. Mostly for being creative, taking risks and having a cool cast of memorable characters. During this time we truly get to see the battle of good vs evil. Unfortunately today we don’t see it. We usually get to see re-runs and occasionally a reboot of an old franchise. Which doesn’t last to long.

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3D utter Failure


What happened to the 3D revolution? Wasnt it supposed to be the biggest thing3D-Glasses-Cartoon to enhance your movie and television experience? We got High Def, which as a nice step forward. But why not add 3D to it. Why not just add stupid 3D effects to make movies that are actually 2D even better. Reason 3D sucks and its dying just like it did back when it was first launched 30 something years ago.

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Family Sitcoms: 80’s vs 90’s


sitcoms2Family sitcoms is something that brings people together to sit down and watch another family go through their daily ups and downs. It was a weeknight escape from reality as we looked for some humor to make us laugh. Had a long day at work? Why not watch the Cosby show. Want something that pushed the envelope a little, why not watch Married with Children.  To me the 80’s and more the 90’s there was no shortage of good family sitcom.

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Useless Multiplayer Add ons


Video games have been around us for a very long time. It’s not a fad that is going to come andBatman_and_Joker_Batman_Archam_City_HD_Wallpaper-gWb go. Though many in the past believed so. Video games ia giant cash cow. As many of the big AAA games are able to bring in millions of dollars. Things seem to be look good if you are able to make a game that will sell millions of copies. To add the developers want their game to continue to sell over the months to come. Which will cover costs, generate profit and help the franchise grow.

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